It can be hard to set a price range for gear when you’re first getting into camping. Some of the basic gear can be easy, but there are 1000’s of tents to
Almost every tent on the market comes with tent stakes, but are they necessary. Obviously some tents use the stakes for structural integrity, but that’s not the case with freestanding tents. It
Dealing with wet gear on a backpacking trip can be a serious challenge, but there’s nothing worse than trying to dry a wet tent. Sometimes you need to pick your battles and
Trying to cut weight from your pack is never easy, but I like to start by taking inventory of the heaviest items in my pack. Next to your food/water, your tent is
Pitching a tent on artificial grass is a bit of a challenge. Setting the tent up isn’t all that different, but there’s no way to stake the tent down. That might not
Dealing with a dirty/moldy tent can be a serious pain. Since you can’t toss it in the laundry machine, how can you wash a dirty tent? Can you wash a tent in
Most tents are designed to take a beating, but all it takes is a little bit of moisture to ruin your tent. Packing your tent up wet can quickly lead to mold/mildew
Drying your tent out after a camping trip is important for preventing mold growth, but that’s not always as easy as it sounds. You would typically setup your tent outside and let
It either takes a whole lot of rain or a little bit of condensation to soak the inside of a tent. Neglecting the drying process is a guaranteed way to destroy your
Aren’t all tents waterproof? That’s a very important question that doesn’t have a simple answer. It seems like tent manufacturers are purposely vague when discussing waterproofing. They talk about DWR Coatings and